Saturday, July 4, 2020

Success Academy Parent: SA “Discriminatory, Hurts Public Schools” | deutsch29

Success Academy Parent: SA “Discriminatory, Hurts Public Schools” | deutsch29

Success Academy Parent: SA “Discriminatory, Hurts Public Schools”

On July 02, 2020, I received an email from a Success Academy parent asking “to submit an anonymous (to avoid retaliation) letter about our firsthand experience,” with the goal to “encourage parents and inspire change one day” at Eva Moskowitz’s New York-based Success Academy charter school network.
The parent added, “I did a lot of writing to officials seeking help in confronting Success Academy, but there is no change, and everybody is scared of the CEO (Moskowitz) and her corrupt political connections.”
I responded to this parent and asked to privately view documentation so that I could verify that the person was indeed the parent of a Success Academy student. The parent complied with my request by sending me his/her child’s SA acceptance letter, which satisfied my need for verification.
And so, in order to provide this parent with a voice and to shed light upon Success Academy in a public space, I offer my readers the following narrative of the experience a Success Academy parent who has two children enrolled in Moskowitz’s charter schools network. (I added some links.)

Success Academy’s Secret to “Success” is Discriminatory, Hurts Public Schools

NYC’s top Charter School Success Academy is known for students with high scores, but it appears more and more insiders are coming out to expose its “abusive practices,” according to its ex-Spokesperson Liz Baker. Including the Charter School’s horrendous reputation against students with disabilities, its growing troubles actually might be contributing to CONTINUE READING: Success Academy Parent: SA “Discriminatory, Hurts Public Schools” | deutsch29