Tuesday, July 28, 2020

NPE Publishes Comprehensive, State-by-State Listing of PPP Money to Charter Schools | deutsch29

NPE Publishes Comprehensive, State-by-State Listing of PPP Money to Charter Schools | deutsch29

NPE Publishes Comprehensive, State-by-State Listing of PPP Money to Charter Schools

The Network for Public Education (NPE) has composed a state-by-state listing of charter schools, charer management orgs (CMOs), and education management orgs (EMOs) that have received Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans impacting small businesses and nonprofits as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
The looming question is whether charter schools– which receive public funding– suffered any reduction in funding as a result of the pandemic– or whether charter schools see PPP’s likely-forgivable loans as an opportunistic grab.
Indeed, a June 25, 2020, Utah Military Academy board meeting discussion has found its way into the Utah news for such an opportunitsic view. KUTV.com offers this segment of Utah Military Academy discussion of its planned PPP loan exploitation:
“So we take this money to pay the salaries, and the money we were going to pay salaries is going to go into our accounts to help flush up our funds,” said the board member.
“Can I ask a question?” a female voice said. “My understanding was that this money is for businesses who, because of the drop in business, were having trouble keeping all their employees. How do we qualify for that? CONTINUE READING: NPE Publishes Comprehensive, State-by-State Listing of PPP Money to Charter Schools | deutsch29