Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Let's Talk About "Reopening Schools" | Eclectablog

Let's Talk About "Reopening Schools" | Eclectablog

Let’s Talk About “Reopening Schools”

Like many of us, I’ve been paying close attention to the various plans and suggestions for “reopening schools” this fall. It’s been more than a tad confusing to track the various recommendations coming from partisan legislative groups, professional associations, school district task forces, and the governor’s advisory board on reopening schools.I wish more than anything that there was more clear and decisive leadership from “the top” so that we aren’t faced with what amounts to “dueling proposals” regarding the efficacy of various virus mitigation strategies–3 feet vs. 6 feet, masks or no masks, etc.–a cacophony of confusing and contradictory recommendations that serve only to frustrate the public, and not provide any really meaningful advice to help families prepare for an uncertain future.
I’m also observing these deliberations from two distinct vantage points: as a parent of two boys–one a rising high school senior, and the other a third-year college student; and, as a college professor who was thrown into the chaos of distance learning back in March with roughly 48 hours of preparation time.
One of the things that has bothered me throughout this process is the nagging realization that the premise of this “Reopen the Schools!” narrative is the assumption that teachers–those adults that work in schools along with all of those wonderful children–are somehow…expendable.
(And since most teachers are women, this is yet another example of the toxic sexism that runs CONTINUE READING: Let's Talk About "Reopening Schools" | Eclectablog