Thursday, July 30, 2020

Baker - Green: The Post-Espinoza End Game – School Finance 101

The Post-Espinoza End Game – School Finance 101

The Post-Espinoza End Game

Bruce D. Baker
Preston C. Green III
            Instead of minimizing the impact of the 
            Prior to this latest decision, 
  1. discrimination on the basis of sex (including LGBTQ status) or race;
  2. curricular standards and assessments;
  3. employee professional credentials;
Some states, including Florida, which provides both direct and indirect subsidies for private schools have long included religious schools in those programs and have chosen not to regulate curriculum and standards or discrimination. Investigative reports on those schools show relatively large numbers of schools that 
            But, what if the next domino falls? And what is that domino? Bethel Christian Academy in Maryland participates in the state’s voucher program and openly opposes homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and transgenderism. The school has also chosen not to adopt a state law-aligned CONTINUE READING: The Post-Espinoza End Game – School Finance 101