Sunday, June 21, 2020

Victor Ray and Alan Aja: Education Won’t Save Us from Racism | Diane Ravitch's blog

Victor Ray and Alan Aja: Education Won’t Save Us from Racism | Diane Ravitch's blog

Victor Ray and Alan Aja: Education Won’t Save Us from Racism

Victor Ray and Alan Aja argue in this article that appeared in the Washington Post that racism can’t be “fixed” by more education. Plenty of highly educated people are racist.
The root of racism, they argue, is systematic inequality of resources and access to power.
Prescribing education as the cure for racism often confuses individual bigotry with a system of domination. As a system of domination, racism can be manipulated, because it is bigger than any individual. Highly educated people, who sometimes know better, contribute to systems of racial harm on a regular basis.
The architecture of American racism is not an unfortunate accident: It was created intentionally to acquire and keep power. The highly educated designed America’s system of segregation and America’s prison system. Highly educated lawyers devise arguments to protect police who kill black and brown folks, highly educated prosecutors decline to bring charges, and highly educated judges assign light sentences. There is no good evidence that educating police about implicit bias works to lessen harm. And whites with high cognitive ability are no more likely to support practical policies that lessen racial inequality. But their education does allow them to offer more sophisticated justifications for privilege…
The problem of racial inequality is not just a lack of CONTINUE READING: Victor Ray and Alan Aja: Education Won’t Save Us from Racism | Diane Ravitch's blog