Monday, June 1, 2020

Dear Young People who are my students | JD2718

Dear Young People who are my students | JD2718

Dear Young People who are my students

Dear Young People who are my students,
Sometimes life imitates art.
Late last night the Public Theater canceled a virtual event for Monday. “In this time of national trauma” they wrote in their email, “when the Covid crisis has so disproportionately impacted the Black community, when the injustices of our way of life have been made so clear, it just feels wrong for us to sail ahead… This is a time for mourning and reflection”
I had started to write your calendar. I stopped.
I thought about the letter from the Student Government, which I read yesterday:
“It is not enough to “not be racist”. We must ACTIVELY be anti-racist and be responsible citizens who listen and take actions as we fight for justice and equality. 
“We, the HSAS community, stand in solidarity with the Black Community. We urge all of you to do everything that you can to help the Black Lives Matter cause. We urge you all to commit to anti-racist practice and dismantle the white supremacy that blatantly exists in our society, anti-blackness in America and the police brutality that is continuously occurring in our country. 
Earlier today I reposted on Facebook the message of an alum from 2011:
 “To me, teaching is a matter of life and death. In black and brown communities, schools can honestly make or break your future. I do not take my position lightly—especially considering I am an Afro-Puerto Rican woman who chose to teach in the very same community I grew up in. I have many experiences in my own education where had I not had the proper support, i would probably not be where I am today. I know firsthand that the education system in this country does not actually care about our black and brown babies. So please. If you are an educator…—stop being silent on the issues pervading our communities.
And just moments ago another alum, class of 2009, gave me permission to share his words: CONTINUE READING: Dear Young People who are my students | JD2718