Monday, May 25, 2020

Trump tweets schools should open ‘ASAP.] Here are some responses. - The Washington Post

Trump tweets schools should open ‘ASAP.] Here are some responses. - The Washington Post

Trump tweets schools should open ‘ASAP’ (after a Fox News host said the same thing Sunday night). Here are some responses.

After a morning of golf, President Trump was up late Sunday night tweeting, this time about the reopening of America’s schools, most of which were closed in March during the covid-19 pandemic.
At 10:41 p.m., Trump tweeted: “Schools in our country should be opened ASAP. Much very good information now available. @SteveHiltonx @FoxNews
Shortly before Trump tweeted, Steve Hilton of Fox News happened to be talking about that very subject, urging schools to reopen “schools now before you do even more needless damage.” He said wearing masks was “fine” but compulsory temperature checks were “unscientific nonsense” and “totally pointless,” and social distancing rules were “over-prescriptive” and “arbitrary.”
Trump has been pushing the country to reopen swiftly despite warnings by health and infectious disease specialists that the novel coronavirus is still spreading in many areas. School districts around the country are making plans for the 2020-21 school year that will depend on the state of the pandemic in the late summer and fall, including contingencies for opening schools, or continuing with remote learning, or a hybrid plan. CONTINUE READING: Trump tweets schools should open ‘ASAP.] Here are some responses. - The Washington Post