Saturday, May 2, 2020


NewBlackMan (in Exile)


Sojourner Truth Radio: Ruth Wilson Gilmore on COVID19, Decarceration and Abolition
'People in prison are extremely vulnerable to the virus and are being severely impacted by it. The United States currently has the largest incarcerated population in the world, with about with about 2.3 million people in jails and prisons across the country, according to the Prison Policy Initiative. More than half of them (nearly 1.3 million inmates) do not have the ability to socially distance
Black-Owned Small Businesses Face Long Odds To Stay Afloat Amid Shutdown
'After the government rolled out emergency loans for small businesses, watchdogs continue to raise concerns that black- and minority-owned establishments are being left out. Melba Wilson has owned the restaurant Melba’s in Harlem since 2005. She applied for the PPP through her bank and never heard back. So she decided to go to a Community Development Financial Institution — not-for profit lenders
92Y: The Photograph – Issa Rae and Stella Meghie interviewed by Roxane Gay
' Issa Rae, Golden Globe and Emmy-nominated creator and star of Insecure , and writer and director Stella Meghie , join author Roxane Gay for a discussion of their film, The Photograph —a powerful multigenerational story of love, family history, and art. Already generating buzz for the project from 

All Of It: ''The Last Dance' Director Jason Hehir

'Director Jason Hehir discusses The Last Dance , his 10-part documentary miniseries about Michael Jordan on ESPN.' -- All Of It
Robin DiAngelo Wants to Be a Little Less White

'Author and educator Robin DiAngelo wants white people to ask themselves “What does it mean to be white?” Her bestselling book White Fragility lays out the many ways white people both reinforce and benefit from racism -- often without even realizing or acknowledging it. She joins Rebecca Carroll for a vitally important conversation about how discrimination and xenophobia are playing out in the Wh
Watch New Orleans Musicians Perform A Socially Distanced Funeral Song

'Relative to other states, Louisiana experienced an early spike in COVID-19 cases and on March 16 , the city of New Orleans issued social distancing guidelines that advised against gatherings of more than 10 people. That included funerals. When a few names on the deceased list hit close to home, Brass-a-Holics bandleader Winston "Trombone" Turner felt they needed to be honored like they would hav

APR 29

African American Funeral Home Offers Comfort, Safety During Coronavirus Pandemic

'A longtime African American funeral home in Durham, North Carolina, has two priorities: helping families mourn and keeping them safe. Leoneda Inge ( @LeonedaInge ) of WUNC reports.'

APR 28

Stacey Robinson: 'Building Black Utopia through Hiphop as a Black Speculative Technology'

' Stacey Robinson , an Assistant Professor of graphic design at the University of Illinois is an Arthur Schomburg fellow. His multimedia work discusses ideas of “Black Utopias” as decolonized spaces of peace by considering Black affluent, self-sustaining communities, Black protest movements and the art that document(ed) them.' -- Hutchins Center
Behind the Runway with Kianga Milele and Farai Simoyi

'Designers Kianga Milele and Farai Simoyi discuss the importance of being visible as a female and minority in the fashion industry. Both with their own fashion lines, they share their experience on Netflix's Next in Fashion , how designing for major celebrities in urban wear helped push their careers and the responsibility of sharing what you know with those to follow. Featuring guest host, Abi I
The Dish: African American History Captured in Toni Tipton's cookbook, 'Jubilee'

'A special edition of The Dish looks back at a culinary event held at New York's Gramercy Tavern -- Chef Toni Tipton offered guests a taste of African American culinary history with a Jubilee, featuring recipes from her cookbook, Jubilee: Recipes from Two Centuries of African American Cooking: A Cookbook , that includes foods that have been centuries in the making. Tipton speaks to Michelle Mille

APR 27

A Little Girl Didn't Like Her 'Bedtime Bonnet,' So Mom Wrote A Book To Help

'When Nancy Redd 's daughter was three years old, she started wearing a bonnet to bed. It's a "ubiquitous black experience that I grew up with, my mom grew up with, all my friends grew up with," Redd says — and yet it's one that she felt ashamed of as a kid. "If the doorbell rang, I would immediately take it off — I didn't want anybody to know it existed," she recalls. "I didn't want my daughter

APR 25

Ronnie Dyson: A Transitional Soul Figure Lost To Time

'For One-Hit Wonders/Second-Best Songs, Mark Anthony Neal recommends Ronnie Dyson 's "Ain't Nothing Wrong." He's known mostly for 1970's "(If You Let Me Make Love to You Then) Why Can't I Touch You?"'
Unladylike2020: Meta Warrick Fuller: Trailblazing African American Artist

' Meta Warrick Fuller 's artwork celebrated African American heritage and cultural identity, and resisted stereotypical representations in her depictions of the Black body.' -- American Masters PBS
Brittany Packnett Cunningham on Activism in Crisis

' Rebecca Carroll talks to activist and organizer Brittany Packnett Cunningham on the small and big ways we can live in community during the coronavirus pandemic -- even though we’re forced to be apart. From how we shop at the grocery store to how our elected leaders can ensure a fair vote in the fall, Brittany lays out just what it’s going to take to get through this: “If we have the power to sh
Behind The Beats: DJ Premier's Sonic Inspiration In Three Samples

' DJ Premier is a purist at heart . He picks samples based on feeling, and the beats he creates from them are all about honoring that vibe. That lineage has played out from his parents record collection growing up in Houston to his own expansive discography over the last 30 years.'
'We Were Curiosities': One Of 'The Last Negroes At Harvard' Shares His Story

'In 1959, Kent Garrett was one of 18 Black students accepted into a freshman class of more than 1,000. It was an early form of affirmative action, and he chronicles his time on campus in a new book, The Last Negroes At Harvard .' -- All Things Considered
Puerto Rico, Island Of Racial Harmony?

'Many Puerto Ricans grow up being taught that they're a mixture of three races: Black, White and Indigenous. But on the U.S. census, a majority of Puerto Ricans choose "White" as their only race. On this episode, of Code Switch the host look into why that is, and the group of people trying to change it.'
Modern Malian Singer Fatoumata Diawara Respects Her Roots

' Malian singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor Fatoumata Diawara is a multiple Grammy Award nominee, currently living in Paris. "Fatou" Diawara has become an enthusiastic collaborator - with musicians from other African countries - Cheikh Lô, AfroCubism, and Orchestra Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou - as well as rock stars like Damon Albarn and Flea and traditional players from Cuba and Brittany. She ha
Issa Rae is Still Rooting for Everybody Black

' As usual, Issa Rae is out here doing the most. She joins Rebecca Carroll to talk about the return of Insecure , how she’s supporting the next generation of black artists, and why black audiences matter the most to her. And how cookie dough is getting her through coronatine.' -- Come Through with Rebecca Carroll

A Moment of True Decolonization #31: Ruth Wilson Gilmore on Beginning of a Perfect Decolonial Moment

' Ruth Wilson Gilmore is Professor of Geography and Director of the Center for Place, Culture, and Politics at the City University of New York Graduate Center. A co-founder of many grassroots organizations including California Prison Moratorium Project, and Critical Resistance, she works on racial 
NewBlackMan (in Exile)