Friday, May 29, 2020

School Custodians Are Essential Frontline Workers For Our Students

School Custodians Are Essential Frontline Workers For Our Students

School Custodians Are Essential Frontline Workers For Our Students

Juan Ramos has been a school custodian and union member for nearly 30 years. His father was a custodian before him, and Ramos spent summers helping his dad starting out when he was just fourteen-year-old. With that much experience under his utility belt, Ramos definitely has the know-how to protect students and educators from coronavirus, but only if he and his colleagues have the equipment and staff-power necessary to fight the deadly virus.
school custodians covid
School custodian Juan Ramos
“Custodians are on the front line of defense at school,” says Ramos, who works at Maple Brook Elementary School in Naperville, Illinois. “We need to make sure our schools are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected throughout the day, after the students leave, and before they come each morning — now more than ever in history.”
It’s not just hand sanitizer, hand washing and social distance that will keep schools safe, he says, but sophisticated cleaning equipment designed to take on the deadly virus.
“Custodians will need electrostatic sprayers to make sure that we hit high touch surfaces with the right chemicals for fighting the virus, we need hospital grade, which is the best there is,” Ramos says.
The sprayers should use a solution that is EPA registered for use against the cause of COVID-19 and should be applied to all touch and hard surfaces, door handles, furniture, floors – everything. The solution takes about 10 minutes to activate so it can’t be rushed and will need to be used in hallways, bathrooms and classrooms CONTINUE READING: School Custodians Are Essential Frontline Workers For Our Students