Saturday, May 30, 2020

Persistent Billionaire Financed Attack on Oakland Public Schools Continues | tultican

Persistent Billionaire Financed Attack on Oakland Public Schools Continues | tultican

Persistent Billionaire Financed Attack on Oakland Public Schools Continues

By Thomas Ultican 5/29/2020
This month, a survey was launched in Oakland, California with the claim “This survey is a primary partnership between OUSD and GO Public Schools Oakland.” Apparently some Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) board members were stunned by the news and were not happy about raising the stature of a billionaire financed organization dedicated to privatizing public schools. It seems the survey resulted from a secret negotiation between OUSD administrators, GO and possibly some OUSD board members.
On May 13, when OUSD Director Shanti Gonzalez learned about the Survey, she wrote to Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell,
Hi Kyla. Can you tell me more about the robocall that went out today that referred parents to GO’s website/survey and why it was decided to send this to parents? We don’t typically use our infrastructure to refer people to groups that engage in political activities, so I am curious.”
Two days later Gonzalez wrote again,
“I understand the desire to collaborate and avoid duplication of efforts, but please remember that GO plays two roles in the Oakland education arena. In this case, their intent was to support our efforts to understand families’ needs. Their other role is to shape the composition of the board of OUSD and ACOE [Alameda County Office of Education], and to support the growth of charter schools, at least historically.”
OUSD Director Roseann Torres was characterized as being hopping mad when CONTINUE READING: Persistent Billionaire Financed Attack on Oakland Public Schools Continues | tultican