Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Antiracist Parenting During COVID-19 and Beyond - Yes! Magazine

Antiracist Parenting During COVID-19 and Beyond - Yes! Magazine

Antiracist Parenting During COVID-19 and Beyond

Over the past two months, our lives have shifted dramatically. One day, we were reading about the spread of COVID-19 abroad, and the next, most of the world’s population was sheltering in place. For those of us who are parents, we are suddenly everything to our children: teachers, caretakers, playmates, and more. All of this while holding the grief of an altered life with little time to process. Even as some states and cities begin reopening, the lingering effects of the coronavirus, and the accompanying political and economic shifts, will continue to inform us over this year and beyond.
We met at an Emergent Strategy training in Detroit in October 2018. During that weekend, we explored what it means to embrace change, harness creativity, and work collaboratively toward a more liberatory way of working and living. As two White people raising young children—Rachel has a 2-year-old and Jardana has a 4- and an 8-year-old—we have remained in support of each other around the exploration of antiracism, queerness, activism, and parenting. 
We cannot pretend this pandemic is a great equalizer and ignore the Impact that it is having on Black people and other people of color.
We have been grappling with the questions: How do we enact antiracist parenting practices during the pandemic and beyond? And, how is this time asking more of us as parents committed to social justice? After conversations with our communities, we found many people were experiencing grief, fear, and isolation. While these feelings are a direct reaction to the coronavirus public health and economic crises, they’re also a response to the undeniable racial disparities these crises have exposed. Here, we discuss how to meet CONTINUE READING: Antiracist Parenting During COVID-19 and Beyond - Yes! Magazine