Monday, April 20, 2020

Superintendents blast ‘inconsistent’ federal guidance on reopening schools - The Washington Post

Superintendents blast ‘inconsistent’ federal guidance on reopening schools - The Washington Post

Superintendents blast ‘inconsistent and incongruous’ federal guidance on reopening schools

The association that represents America’s school superintendents blasted the Trump administration for what it called “inconsistent and incongruous” guidance related to the reopening of schools during the coronavirus pandemic.
Daniel A. Domenech, executive director of the American Association of School Administrators, issued a statement over the weekend criticizing the federal government for the guidance it has given in relation to opening schools, saying state and local leaders need “informative and actionable” guidance that they can “implement with minimal confusion and with confidence in the science behind it.”

More than 30 states and the District of Columbia have either ordered or recommended that schools be closed for the rest of the 2019-20 school year. On Saturday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) became the latest state leader to announce that distance learning should continue even as he moves soon to reopen the economy.
“I think the last thing you want to do is … to force everyone in school [only] to have half the kids not show up because their parents didn’t want to do it and have teachers not show up,” he said. “It was an easy decision to make knowing we have done so well with distance learning.”
Last week, President Trump announced optional guidelines for states to gradually lift economic restrictions that have been put in place this spring to try to slow the spread of covid-19, which has claimed tens of thousands of lives in the United States. Schools are mentioned in the second of three phases.
In his statement that AASA said was directed to the Trump administration, Domenech said the guidance relating to the reopening of schools is confusing.
Domenech first commended the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for their work “to achieve a balanced approach in their CONTINUE READING: Superintendents blast ‘inconsistent’ federal guidance on reopening schools - The Washington Post