Thursday, April 23, 2020

San Francisco board proposes giving A’s to students - The Washington Post

San Francisco board proposes giving A’s to students - The Washington Post

San Francisco school board proposes giving A’s to all students for covid-19 period as districts adopt varying grading systems

The closing of most of America’s schools and the quick rush to distance learning because of the spread of covid-19 has prompted changes in the way many districts are asking teachers to grade student performance during this period.
Most districts appear to be moving to a variant of a pass/fail system for the spring semester as they attempt to implement “hold harmless” policies during a time of transition and anxiety.

In Ohio’s Perrysburg Schools, for example, officials posted to the district website a statement saying it was moving to a system in which students who usually get grades will get either a “P” for pass or an “I” for incomplete. For high school students, a “P” will have “the weight of a 4.0 for regular classes and 4.5 for Honors,” which are A’s.
“We know that the stress put on families is tremendous and we are doing our best to determine the right path to take in the education of our students,” it says. “We continue to use the analogy of flying the plane as we build it.”
Differences in districts in the state of California show the variety of approaches being implemented nationwide.
The California Education Code says, “There is nothing [in the code] which governs whether a class can be offered as credit/no credit, pass/fail or a modified A-D. Given the circumstances of COVID-19, some districts are considering a variety of options.”
In the San Diego Unified School District, students will not receive a grade lower than they received CONTINUE READING: San Francisco board proposes giving A’s to students - The Washington Post