Thursday, April 2, 2020

Russ on Reading: The Power of "And": Taking Charge of Your Own Teaching

Russ on Reading: The Power of "And": Taking Charge of Your Own Teaching

The Power of "And": Taking Charge of Your Own Teaching

During my forty years as a consultant, I have often had teachers say to me, “I would love to use some of your ideas for instruction, Russ, but…The “but” was always followed by something like “the administration”, “the test”, “these kids”, any and all the reasons you’ve heard about why something couldn’t be done. Finally, at one session I said, “Enough with the ‘buts’ from now on where you were going to say “but", you have to use the word “and.” This made a huge difference in the conversation. The word “but” qualifies a statement with a negative. The word “and” indicates a thought continues. “But” sets up roadblocks. “And” opens-up possibilities. I tried to express the concept in this poem.

Coordinating Conjunctions

If I were compelled to point a finger
At the cause of educational malaise
I surely wouldn’t need to linger
Pondering the answer days on days.

I could indicate that a single word CONTINUE READING: 
Russ on Reading: The Power of "And": Taking Charge of Your Own Teaching