Thursday, April 9, 2020

NC Teacher Suspended for Blowing Whistle on Forced Return to School During COVID Closure | deutsch29

NC Teacher Suspended for Blowing Whistle on Forced Return to School During COVID Closure | deutsch29

NC Teacher Suspended for Blowing Whistle on Forced Return to School During COVID Closure

A teacher at a North Carolina charter school has been placed on paid leave pending an investigation for his telling a local news outlet about his concerns at being required to attend school despite the governor’s order that NC schools remain closed until May 15, 2020.
According to, on April 07, 2020, a teacher at Youngsville Academy charter school spoke on condition of anonymity about having to return to school in direct opposition to NC’s stay-at-home order. From the news segment:
Reporter: Crews spent the afternoon at Youngsville Academy cleaning as teachers prepare to return to school Thursday.
Teacher (on phone): When we received that message that we would be returning to school, I was concerned for my, both my safety and the safety of my family.
Reporter: A teacher at the school agreed to talk to us. He asked us not to share his name out of fear of getting in trouble. He also shared emails like this one from the charter school’s business director, stating the school is implementing “standards beyond CDC, DHHS, County Department of Health, and OSHA recommendations” to keep the teachers safe. They include social distancing, limiting meetings to small groups, and requiring everyone to take their temperature before walking in the buildig.
Teacher: When is was brought up that some of us have personal children, if we could work from home, we were told, “No. Bring your personal children and confine them to the designated area.”
Reporter: The teacher told me he feels like he is being forced to make a CONTINUE READING: NC Teacher Suspended for Blowing Whistle on Forced Return to School During COVID Closure | deutsch29