Saturday, April 4, 2020

Cartoons about Strange Times | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Cartoons about Strange Times | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Cartoons about Strange Times

Amid the sick and dying from a virus, it is hard to see a funny side to the damage that this protein does to the individual, community, nation, and world. One way that I cope with my fears and anxieties in this bizarre moment in time that everyone is experiencing is to laugh–when I can.
While that sounds macabre in of itself, I have managed my panic by seeing the humor–surely not in the sick or dying and the havoc that it does to families–but in my fear-laden responses and those of my family, friends, colleagues, and Americans. Cartoonists, as is their wont, have not sat idle as this disease has spread and reactions have ranged from sane to insane.
So I offer this selection of cartoons on the responses to coronavirus and Covid-19 for those who seek a moment to laugh amid the anxiety and fear that surround all of us.

MORE CARTOONS: Cartoons about Strange Times | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice