Monday, April 20, 2020

An End to Schooling as We Know It? To Grocery Stores? To Concerts? To Live Plays? To Dances? To Offices? | Diane Ravitch's blog

An End to Schooling as We Know It? To Grocery Stores? To Concerts? To Live Plays? To Dances? To Offices? | Diane Ravitch's blog

An End to Schooling as We Know It? To Grocery Stores? To Concerts? To Live Plays? To Dances? To Offices?

A wise reader, who is anonymous, posted this comment a few days ago. I thought it was wise because we hear so many Disrupters cheering about “the end of schooling as we know it” when the reality is that most parents and students can’t wait for real school to start again. You don’t hear those same voices saying that no one will ever work in an office again; no one will every go to a concert or a play; no one will ever go to a physical store. They clearly have an agenda, and their predictions are their wishes, but they fly in the face of reality. Life goes on. It is never the same after an earth-shattering event such as a pandemic. But many things will not change. Who knows? Schools may even change for the better as parents show their gratitude to teachers and their public schools, and as the backlash against distance learning grows stronger, based on experience.
He or she wrote:
No one is calling for the end of grocery stores for Instacart, restaurants for takeout, church buildings for live streaming, physical stores for their online versions, theatre/sports/concerts for streaming, conventions for talking heads on video, clubs for solo dance parties on Zoom, renting office space for work at home, theme CONTINUE READING: An End to Schooling as We Know It? To Grocery Stores? To Concerts? To Live Plays? To Dances? To Offices? | Diane Ravitch's blog