Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tell Betsy DeVos to Shut Down the Tests - Network For Public Education

Tell Betsy DeVos to Shut Down the Tests - Network For Public Education

Tell Betsy DeVos to Shut Down the Tests

The Network for Public Education hopes this email finds you and your family safe and well. In the coming weeks, we will provide resources on our website to support families and teachers through this critical time.
Right now, our efforts focus on keeping students safe and reducing their stress. Therefore, we are deeply disappointed by Secretary DeVos’s recent statement that she “may consider” testing waivers to areas hard hit by COVID 19. More than half of all states and nearly all large cities have shut down their schools, in some cases, for an indefinite period of time.
Tell Betsy DeVos to shut down the tests by sending your email here.
The last thing our students and teachers need is to worry about the stress of high-stakes tests.
We are therefore asking you to join us in calling on Betsy DeVos to grant a blanket waiver to allow states to be exempt from all testing requirements.
Our message is simple. Kids’ health and safety come first. Shut down the tests.
Send your email here.
Then call 1-800-872-5327 and tell the Department to grant a blanket testing waiver to the states.