Sunday, March 15, 2020

Sunday, March 8, 2020 CATCH UP WITH CURMUDGUCATION + ICYMI: I'm a Grandfather Again Edition (3/15)

CURMUDGUCATION: ICYMI: I'm a Grandfather Again Edition (3/15)

I'm a Grandfather Again Edition (3/15)

Beware the Ides of March, indeed. It's been a busy week and I've been a little behind on my own reading, so the list might be a little short today (and late, too). But my new grandson is beautiful.
Texas Takeover in Shepherd

A school takeover in Texas turns into a big fat mess, and the courts aren't much help.
Adios, John White

The indispensable Mercedes Schneider bids adieu to John White, who is now officially finally not in charge of education in Louisiana.
Please do a bad job of putting your courses online

Rebecca Barrett-Fox offers a perspective on the virus-induced move to online schooling. Maybe there are a few other things that are more important.
The Vicious Attack on Sweetwater Union District

Thomas Ultican has done all the homework on this tale of a California district that has been under continuous attack by privatizers.
Once Again, Teachers Are First Responders  

Nancy Flanagan reflects on how teachers often end up on the front lines when it's crunch time.
Audrey Watters and Ed Tech crisis response

If you aren't a subscriber to Watters' newsletter, you're missing important stuff. Here are some thoughts about what can go wrong with the virus-induced school closings.
Penguin Cam

Edinburgh Zoo has a live penguin cam. When you need a break from all the stress and worry--well, it's penguins!

Ohio's Charter War Fallout
10th period blog notes that Ohio has so many cyber-school students, the transition during the shutdown ought to be easily tapping into that expertise. Why isn't it?

Doubts Raised About Active Shooter Drills  
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette takes a look at a report questioning the effects of active shooter drills in schools.


Post-Janus Union Busters Not Done Yet

If you are a teacher and you spend time on Facebook, you've probably heard from those folks at My Pay My Say , their chirpy stock photo reminding you that you don't have to pay those nasty union dues. These initiatives have been popping up ever since the Janus case gave a Supreme Court okee dokee to the idea of freeloaders in a union. Teachers who don't already live in Right To Work states have re

MAR 13

DeVos Wants To Give Teachers PD Vouchers

It's not the dumbest education policy idea to ever come out of DC. Betsy DeVos is continuing to champion idea that she has pushed before-- giving teachers professional development vouchers and letting them go shop for their own professional development experiences. When floated in 2019, the idea was obviously not about kind thoughts about teachers or even philosophical consistency for the choice-l

MAR 12

DeVos Actually Sparks Bipartisan Action In Senate

You may recall that Betsy DeVos really, really, really hates the idea of forgiving the loans that students took out to attend what turned out to be fraudulent predatory not-so-good for-profit universities, to the point that when she had to sign off on loan forgiveness paperwork left over from the previous administration, she felt compelled to add " with extreme displeasure " to her signature. Eith

MAR 11

Administration Matters

This tweet turned up the other day. I interviewed a teacher who is leaving the profession in June. I asked her why she was quitting. Her response: “I was told to teach to the test...that if it’s not a test-taking skill, don’t teach it. I didn’t become a teacher to help kids become better test-takers.” #EdChat — Fixing Education (@FixingEducation) March 9, 2020 I wish the teacher hadn't slipped in

MAR 09

DeVosian Priorities and Public Service

There's nothing new to see here, but it's still worth noting what DeVos tells us about her priorities. From a recent interview with a conservative Christian podcas t-- let me just set these side by side: "I was fortunate enough to be born into a family that raised me to make my faith my own," she said. "I had exposure from my first memories to weekly church services." "I'm grateful to have had tha
The Gates Team Wants To Swing For The Education Fences. Maybe There’s A Better Way For Them To Play.

It says something about Bill Gates that after using the expression “swing for the fences” in the title of his foundation’s annual letter , he also feels the need to explain it: That’s a phrase many Americans will recognize from baseball. When you swing for the fences, you’re putting every ounce of strength into hitting the ball as far as possible. You know that your bat might miss the ball entire

MAR 08

ICYMI: Losing An Hour Edition (3/8)

Surely it's about time to end this whole Daylight Savings baloney. Because as I sit here this morning, it hardly seems worth it. But here's some reading from the week: Voucher Programs Undermine Religious Liberty The Baptist Joint