Thursday, March 26, 2020

John Richard Schrock: Distance Learning Is Inferior to Human Interaction | Diane Ravitch's blog

John Richard Schrock: Distance Learning Is Inferior to Human Interaction | Diane Ravitch's blog

John Richard Schrock: Distance Learning Is Inferior to Human Interaction

John Richard Schrock was a professor of science education at a Emporia State University for many years. He also taught in middle and high schools, as well as in Hong Kong. He frequently writes about education issues.
Screen Reading and Online Coursework Inferior
The forced closure of classrooms and shift to online learning from home has revived the hopes of big Ed-Tech companies that they can regain some legitimacy in education. Meanwhile, the general response of teachers and professors is exposing their extensive negative experiences with distance learning.
In the early 2000s, computer enthusiasts predicted the end of “brick-and-mortar” K-12 schools; students would study from home in their pajamas, using online links to teachers who would also teach from home. New digital readers were predicted to totally replace printed books by 2015. And massive open online colleges (MOOCs) would deliver all coursework online and free, replacing university coursework and making college classrooms obsolete a decade ago.
None of these predictions came true. Our armed forces CONTINUE READING: John Richard Schrock: Distance Learning Is Inferior to Human Interaction | Diane Ravitch's blog