Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Headlines: Elections, Charter Co-Locations and Coronavirus – Los Angeles Education Examiner

Headlines: Elections, Charter Co-Locations and Coronavirus – Los Angeles Education Examiner

Headlines: Elections, Charter Co-Locations and Coronavirus

And just like that, the focus switches from School Board elections and Prop. 13 [2020] (RIP!), to the Coronavirus and the District’s response. The District has been emailing and calling LAUSD parents daily and posting even more regular updates on Twitter.
While LAUSD’s response has been proactive and competent, LAUSD admits that the potential pandemic is “uncharted territory” and has plans for a potential shutdown.
Also uncharted is Superintendent Beutner’s foray into videography which is a little unfortunate for the paucity of soap, important for hygiene in breaking down cell walls. Some parents have been contacting teachers to ask whether soap or other supplies would be welcome donations to their classroom.
And perhaps not everyone in LAUSD is handling the situation flawlessly. A Chinese-American student is accusing his North Hollywood School of discrimination and retaliation after he objected to being sent to the nurse’s office for coughing.
But just because we’re all talking Coronavirus, doesn’t mean there aren’t CONTINUE READING: Headlines: Elections, Charter Co-Locations and Coronavirus – Los Angeles Education Examiner