Thursday, February 27, 2020

Whatever Happened to Behavioral Objectives? (Second Time Around) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Whatever Happened to Behavioral Objectives? (Second Time Around) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Whatever Happened to Behavioral Objectives? (Second Time Around)

With much interest on the part of school reformers, district administrators, and boards of education in “competency-based learning” or “outcome-based education” (also Common Core curriculum standards), wannabe reformers and school people should  consider  that these “innovations” depend heavily upon the introduction of behavioral objects a century ago.
The links between the past and present are ever-present, especially when it comes to behavioral objectives. I published this post nearly three years ago and in that time, both “competency-based learning” and Common Core standards–using behavioral objectives–have emerged as popular reforms of schooling both in urban and suburban district schools including charters.
At the end of this post, I include comments from Laura Chapman, a veteran teacher, on the original post.
Whateverhappened to behavioral objectives? Not much. They are still around but often go by an alias.
Introduced in the early 20th century, behavioral objectives are like  wallpaper in a favorite room that is stripped and then re-papered with wallpaper of a different hue but closely resembling the discarded debris. In short, the phrase has different names today (e.g., performance objectives,  learner outcomes, competencies-based outcomes) but remains common across the educational domain as well as in business, medicine, and other professional work. They are now a permanent fixture of organizations but not called “behavioral objectives.”
Where Did the Idea Originate?
The efficiency-driven wing of early 20th century progressives, inspired by management innovator Frederick Taylor, educational psychologist Edward CONTINUE READING:  Whatever Happened to Behavioral Objectives? (Second Time Around) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice