Saturday, February 8, 2020

NO GLOVE LEFT BEHIND, Season 2 | The Merrow Report

NO GLOVE LEFT BEHIND, Season 2 | The Merrow Report


I made a huge mistake last year when I waited until the beginning of April to introduce my campaign to match lost gloves and deliver them to the gloveless.  What I am now calling “No Glove Left Behind” is now running at full speed when it’s most needed, during the harsh months of winter.  I’m writing to enlist your help.
Whenever I walk the streets of New York City I see lost and abandoned gloves, at least one every time I walk our dog, and sometimes more. Below are images of five gloves that I have “rescued” in the past three days. 
Let me ask you: How many times have you, during a walk around your city, come across a single glove or mitten, lying on the sidewalk….and kept on walking?  That is what I used to do, until last March, when I enlisted my wife and a couple of neighbors to search for matches.  
Last year we donated several dozen matching pairs to a nearby place of worship. However, in our apartment right now we have about 75 unmatched gloves, waiting for YOU to find and send us the match!
As you can see below, sometimes the lost gloves almost match, but we strive for CONTINUE READING: NO GLOVE LEFT BEHIND, Season 2 | The Merrow Report