Monday, January 20, 2020

The Dark Money Behind Union-Owned NPE: Time to Fess Up. | deutsch29

The Dark Money Behind Union-Owned NPE: Time to Fess Up. | deutsch29

The Dark Money Behind Union-Owned NPE: Time to Fess Up.

On January 16, 2020, in an exchange with Forbes education contributor, blogger, and retired Pennsylvania English teacher Peter Greene on Twitter, Education Post CEO Chris Stewart asked about “dark money” behind groups supported by Greene:

Show me. Show me where either group is largely funded by teachers unions.
Hey, you never got back to me about all that “dark money” coming from the 1% to groups you support.

Started in 2014, Education Post is an ed-reform blog and the brainchild of California billionaire, Eli Broad. Right out of the starting gate, EdPost (actual nonprofit name, Results in Education Foundation) had $5.5M to play with in its first year.
EdPost’s first CEO, Peter Cunningham, was paid $1M for 2 1/2 years of blogging. Moreover, in his position as a founding member of EdPost’s board, Stewart was compensated a total of $422,925 for 40 hrs/wk across 30 months as “outreach and external affairs director.” (To dig into that EdPost history, click here and follow the links.)
In ed reform, blogging pays juicy salaries.

But lets turn our attention to “groups that you (Greene) support” and their dark-money, cash-flushiness.
The first organization that came to my mind was the Network for Public Education (NPE), founded in 2013 by education historian Diane Ravitch and retired California science teacher, Anthony Cody.
The short answer is that NPE is not funded by the “dark money” effort of CONTINUE READING: The Dark Money Behind Union-Owned NPE: Time to Fess Up. | deutsch29