Thursday, January 23, 2020

Mothers, Make A Phone Call Today | Real Learning CT

Mothers, Make A Phone Call Today | Real Learning CT

Mothers, Make A Phone Call Today

Today, let’s each of us call the office of one Republican senator and ask the question: “Why would an innocent man and you as a jurist interested in the truth not want all the evidence out and all the witnesses to testify? Wouldn’t you if you were innocent?”
For millions of mothers to ask that question now of senators will save our republic from shame and disgrace and could even save the republic itself. It can allow as to prove that we still have a government with three equal branches and that the U.S. Constitution is still the foundation of that government.
We bring up our children to tell the truth, to know right from wrong, to admit CONTINUE READING: Mothers, Make A Phone Call Today | Real Learning CT

You may phone the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.