Thursday, January 30, 2020

LAUSD Candidate Elizabeth Badger Responds

LAUSD Candidate Elizabeth Badger Responds

LAUSD Candidate Elizabeth Badger Responds

Don’t shoot the messenger,

You might miss the message.”
After reading my candidate profile of Elizabeth Badger, she called to express her displeasure and to demand a retraction. While she demanded a retraction of the article, I stand by what was written. I will, however, present her arguments along with the responses that were given to the candidate. 
Badger’s first complaint was that I had “lied about her record.” When pressed she stated that the article said that she had not been active in her community since losing the school board election in 2015. She then went on to say that she founded a non-profit, serves on the board of the Regional Center and has been elected as a member of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party’s Central Committee.
As explained to the candidate, the specific wording of the article stated that “she has not been a regular face around the district since her last run and her lack of knowledge about the issues is readily apparent in the Speak Up article”. In fact, her work with the Regional Center and the Democratic Party was actually specifically mentioned.  However, none of this work has given her any insight into how the CONTINUE READING: LAUSD Candidate Elizabeth Badger Responds