Thursday, January 2, 2020

Houston: The Betrayal of the Public Schools As State Attacks Democracy | Diane Ravitch's blog

Houston: The Betrayal of the Public Schools As State Attacks Democracy | Diane Ravitch's blog

Houston: The Betrayal of the Public Schools As State Attacks Democracy

The public schools of Houston are going to be taken over by the incompetent State Education Department, which has never run a school district of any size and which has failed in its previous takeover efforts.
The Houston Chronicle hailed the pending takeover, while noting that the Houston Independent School District has been acknowledged in the recent past as the best urban school district in the nation (by the disreputable Broad Institute or Academy). Its editorial saluting the takeover by the state notes that 21 of HISD’s 280 campuses received “failing grades” from the state, and one (1) school–Wheatley High School–has a persistent record of low test scores. The failure of Wheatley–which has an even higher proportion of the neediest students than the rest of the district–triggered the state takeover.  This is a district where 80% of the students are “economically disadvantaged” and many are English learners. So, of course, the state commissioner and the editorial board of the newspaper blame low test scores on the elected school board. Apparently, they believe that democracy is the culprit, not poverty.
The citizens of Houston should rise up in protest. I am a graduate of the Houston public schools. The teachers are CONTINUE READING: Houston: The Betrayal of the Public Schools As State Attacks Democracy | Diane Ravitch's blog