Tuesday, January 21, 2020

DID YOU MISS DIANE RAVITCH'S BLOG TODAY? | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all


A site to discuss better education for all

Arthur Camins’ Beautiful Review of SLAYING GOLIATH: “A Chronicle of Hope”

Arthur Camins wrote a beautiful review of SLAYING GOLIATH at The Daily Kos. In light of Camins’ experience as an educator and his passion for justice, I am most grateful for his close and sympathetic reading of this book. Until recently, he was Director of the Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education at Stevens Institute of Technology. He writes, in this excerpt: Ravitch’s first
California: Defunct For-Profit “College” Sues Former Students for Repayment of Debt

The Los Angeles Times published this story of a for-profit film school that made bold promises to students, folded, then sued its former students for not paying their debts. Only two months into pursuing his dream to be a sound engineer, David Gross knew he’d made a mistake. The single father in 2013 signed up at a for-profit college in Burbank that convinced him it was his path to a Hollywood jo
Valerie Strauss: A Q & A with Me about SLAYING GOLIATH

Valerie Strauss, veteran education writer at the Washington Post, interviewed me about my new book SLAYING GOLIATH. Her questions get to the heart of the book. I hope you will read the exchange.
Today is Publication Day for SLAYING GOLIATH!

Today is “pub day,” as they say in the trade. I started writing SLAYING GOLIATH in February 2018 as I watched and read news reports about the teachers’ strike in West Virginia. I watched in awe as every school in the state was closed by every superintendent so that teachers were technically not breaking the law that prevents them from striking. I watched in amazement as teachers and support staff

The Future of Public Education Hinges on This Supreme Court Case

Tomorrow, the United States Supreme Court will hear arguments in a crucial case called Espinoza v. Montana. The goal of the Espinoza plaintiffs is to strike down state laws that prohibit public funding for religious schools. This is a case 
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all