Saturday, January 18, 2020

Peter Greene: Diane Ravitch: Why Education Disruption Is Losing

Diane Ravitch: Why Education Disruption Is Losing

Diane Ravitch: Why Education Disruption Is Losing

Diane Ravitch was an education historian, who entered government work under the first Bush administration and continued to serve in the Department of Education, where she was an early supporter of charter schools and accountability, and one of the voices of support No Child Left Behind. Then in 2010, she changed course. Watching how the policies of choice and accountability played out, she reached a simple conclusion: “that effort has failed.”
Her switch from supporter of modern education reform to critic quickly made her the most visible member of the resistance to ed reform policies. Her blog, where she posts many times every day, has become a veritable Rick’s Cafe; spend enough time there, and you will meet most of the important figures of the resistance. Nobody has done more to amplify the voices of parents, teachers and activists than Ravitch.
You can also meet many of these folks in Ravitch’s new book Slaying Goliath: The Passionate Resistance to Privatization and the Fight to Save America’s Public SchoolsThe book is a history of the modern education reform movement told from the point of view of the people CONTINUE READING: Diane Ravitch: Why Education Disruption Is Losing