Thursday, January 30, 2020

Diane Ravitch on Disruption’s Educational Carnage | Capital & Main

Diane Ravitch on Disruption’s Educational Carnage | Capital & Main

Diane Ravitch on Disruption’s Educational Carnage
No Child Left Behind was a disaster and school choice has failed. A new book points the way forward from the wreckage.

It’s been 10 years since education historian and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education Diane Ravitch became the school choice movement’s most vocal apostate by detailing its fallacies in her book The Death and Life of the Great American School System.
Her tale of how a onetime charter school true believer from within the corporate-reform think-tank establishment could no longer ignore the contrary evidence of her own eyes came as a wake-up call. It gave authoritative voice to the anger and frustration of the over 3 million public school classroom teachers whose hands had been tied by the country’s destructive disinvestment in its children. And it contained Ravitch’s own vow to devote the rest of her life to trying to make up for her error.
That mea culpa thrust the New York University research professor into the center of the national public education debate and elevated her to a role as a revered leader of the groundswell of political resistance that followed. With 2013’s Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America’s Public Schools, she further documented the failure of charters and the carnage wreaked by high-stakes testing, while inventorying evidence-supported and cost-effective reforms that had been sidetracked by the school-privatization movement.
Now, Ravitch completes the arc with Slaying Goliath: The Passionate Resistance to Privatization and the Fight to Save America’s Public Schools, which was published last week.
The completed trilogy bears all the Ravitch signatures: her mastery of the rapier epithet and CONTINUE READING: Diane Ravitch on Disruption’s Educational Carnage | Capital & Main