Monday, January 13, 2020

DeVos Ignores a Judge’s Order: Will She Be Punished? | Diane Ravitch's blog

DeVos Ignores a Judge’s Order: Will She Be Punished? | Diane Ravitch's blog

DeVos Ignores a Judge’s Order: Will She Be Punished?

During the Obama administration, Congress passed legislation to protect students who had been defrauded by for-profit colleges. In most cases, the “colleges” made claims about their success in placing their graduates in jobs. As a result of these misleading claims, thousands of students paid for a worthless degree. The Education Department attempted to help them get restitution. The Education Department was on the side of the victims of predatory colleges.
But times change, and now Betsy DeVos is in charge. In the past, she has invested in for-profit colleges. She has no sympathy for the students who were defrauded. She thinks they are trying to get free money, and she has dragged her heels. Clearly she sides with the for-profit colleges, not the students.
A lawsuit was brought against the Department of Education for sending debt collectors to hound students who had been defrauded. The judge in the case, Judge Sallie Kim, fined the U.S. Department of Education $100,000 after ED admitted that it attempted to collect on debts owed by 16,000 students. For some unknown reason, the $100,000 was supposed to help those students, but each one would receive just a few dollars, maybe enough for a cup of coffee.
After the fine was imposed and DeVos was held in CONTINUE READING: DeVos Ignores a Judge’s Order: Will She Be Punished? | Diane Ravitch's blog