Saturday, January 18, 2020

Bruce D. Baker NEPC Review: California Charter Schools: Costs, Benefits, and Impact on School Districts (Center on Reinventing Public Education, May 2019) | National Education Policy Center

NEPC Review: California Charter Schools: Costs, Benefits, and Impact on School Districts (Center on Reinventing Public Education, May 2019) | National Education Policy Center

Bruce D. Baker NEPC Review: California Charter Schools: Costs, Benefits, and Impact on School Districts (Center on Reinventing Public Education, May 2019)

The Center on Reinventing Public Education recently released a series of three policy briefs on the financial impact of charter schools on nearby school districts in California. The briefs are intended to inform ongoing debates over charter school financing and expansion in the state of California. This review finds that the briefs fail to accurately or fully apply the relevant research and data. They are useful only in pointing to some important issues that policymakers should consider; their analyses of those issues are, however, generally superficial and misleading.


Document Reviewed:

California Charter Schools: Costs, Benefits, and Impact on School Districts (Center on Reinventing Public Education, May 2019)

Robin Lake, Ashley Jochim, Paul Hill,
& Sivan Tuchman
Center on Reinventing Public Education
NEPC Review: California Charter Schools: Costs, Benefits, and Impact on School Districts (Center on Reinventing Public Education, May 2019) | National Education Policy Center