Friday, January 24, 2020

Announcing the 2020 Black Lives Matter at School Creative Challenge Prompt: Submit your artwork to build the movement! – Black Lives Matter At School

Announcing the 2020 Black Lives Matter at School Creative Challenge Prompt: Submit your artwork to build the movement! – Black Lives Matter At School

Announcing the 2020 Black Lives Matter at School Creative Challenge Prompt: Submit your artwork to build the movement!

During the 2019 Black Lives Matter At School Week of Action, we held the 2nd national student challenge with the prompt, “Schools show that Black Lives Matter When They…” and students were asked to use their creativity to answer.
This year, our prompt has changed:
What do the “mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors” look like when we create a world where Black Lives Matter at School?
Taking inspiration from children’s literature scholar Rudine Sims Bishop , this year we are asking students to imagine interventions into the curriculum and school practices to further a world where Black lives and Black futures are valued and sustained.
To learn more about what we mean about “mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors” as metaphors for how we see the world, please visit this link
Also to allow your art work to be published in a forthcoming book about the movement please fill out this permission form.
We are so excited to see what you create!
Submit your art work here.