Friday, December 13, 2019

NANCY BAILEY: What We’re Waiting to Hear: The Education Fight No Candidate Mentions (Thus Far)

What We’re Waiting to Hear: The Education Fight No Candidate Mentions (Thus Far)

What We’re Waiting to Hear: The Education Fight No Candidate Mentions (Thus Far)

All the democratic presidential candidates have plans how to run the country and positively affect the world. Some have good ideas about how to improve public schools and support teachers.
But none has yet to speak about America’s education crisis.
Educators and parents who rally around public schools and the teachers who work in them know the fight. It’s no secret.
We want a presidential candidate to pledge that they will help stop the takeover of our public education system by wealthy venture capitalists, corporate CEOs, and billionaires who want to remake public education into their for-profit, privatized vision.
  • We want great public schools for all children. Not rich private schools for the wealthy and poor charters for students living in poverty.
  • We want better and fair funding of our public schools, so states and local school boards don’t have to worship the wealthy for resources that result in school closures and charter schools. Here’s Bill Gates in Tennessee.
  • We want a candidate to say no to a cheap, unqualified education workforce, fueled by groups like Teach for America, New Leaders, and Relay Graduate School of Education. There’s concern that some of the candidates have representatives from Teach for America working on their campaigns. Why? This is troubling.
  • We want schools that are  CONTINUE READING: What We’re Waiting to Hear: The Education Fight No Candidate Mentions (Thus Far)