Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A Plea to Arkansas Officials to Keep Hands Off Little Rock Public Schools | Diane Ravitch's blog

A Plea to Arkansas Officials to Keep Hands Off Little Rock Public Schools | Diane Ravitch's blog

A Plea to Arkansas Officials to Keep Hands Off Little Rock Public Schools

Dr. Anika Whitfield is a leader of Grassroots Arkansas.
She recently posted an open letter to key state officials, including Governor Asa Hutchinson and State Commissioner Johnny Key.

She wrote:
Open Letter: State Oppression Denying Independence
The State of Arkansas continues to strong arm the LRSD with unwelcomed and unsolicited changes that continue to be forced upon us.
As three persons who have some authority and have taken an oath of responsibility to represent the entire state, yet you seem to not feel the need to respectfully and justly represent your Little Rock School District constituency.
Four years and 11 months into state control of the LRSD, you still have not established clear exit criteria and a plan for the LRSD to exit state control.
Four years and 11 months into state control of the LRSD, you continue to deny the LRSD community of our inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as you are murdering our schools and destroying the lives of students, teachers and CONTINUE READING: A Plea to Arkansas Officials to Keep Hands Off Little Rock Public Schools | Diane Ravitch's blog