Monday, October 28, 2019

The Strained Relationship Between Black Mothers And Their Daughters | MadameNoire – Parenting for Liberation

The Strained Relationship Between Black Mothers And Their Daughters | MadameNoire – Parenting for Liberation

The Strained Relationship Between Black Mothers And Their Daughters | MadameNoire

“I went through it and I made it out alright” is no longer a rhetoric I will accept from Black mothers regarding the abuse of Black girls.”
Young Black girls don’t need to be beaten into submission. They are intelligent beings capable of reason and logic. Young Black girls don’t need to be told how horrible other Black girls are. The western world has perfected that narrative so well that the last thing it needs is help from you and I. Finally, young Black girls are not the sum of their body parts. As women who know firsthand what it’s like to be reduced to our reproductive properties, the last thing we should be doing is punishing our girls for theirs. Young Black girls should both be seen and heard — yes by their mothers too — and they are equally deserving of our love, patience, and support. “I went through it and I made it out alright” is no longer a rhetoric I will accept from Black women regarding the abuse of Black girls. Contrary to widespread belief, we are not better for having endured and childhood trauma is not a rite of passage. If we value the lives of Black women, then we have no excuse to continue failing Black girls. This isn’t an issue we created but it’s one we must take responsibility to resolve. After all, isn’t that what Black Girl Magic is all about?
READ MORE: Parenting for Liberation - on @wordpressdotcom