Saturday, October 26, 2019

Education Votes

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 Education Votes

Educators running in 2019 eager to fight for public schools

By Amanda Menas Educators stepped up to run for office in record numbers in the 2018 midterm elections. That trend has continued through 2019 as teachers, administrators, and support staff are running across the country for state offices. Looking to flip key districts, educators are running to support their students and advocate for public schools. … The post appeared first on Education Votes .
Push for census funding for our students’ sake

Funding for next year’s census is among the key issues still to be decided as Congress struggles to finalize spending bills for FY2020, which began Oct. 1. The census is vitally important to America’s students because it determines the allocation of billions of dollars in federal funding for public education, including Title I schools serving … The post appeared first on Education Votes .
Support the Voting Rights Advancement Act

The Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019 (H.R. 4), passed by the House Judiciary Committee last week, would once again require states and localities with histories of voter discrimination to seek approval from the U.S. Department of Justice before making any changes in their election laws. The measure is a direct response to the Supreme … The post appeared first on Education Votes .
NEA members discuss homework gap and immigration with Congress

Members of Congress featured NEA members’ views on two key issues: access to digital resources in rural areas and the harmful impact of immigration raids. Anthony Angelini, a teacher at New Oxford Middle School in Pennsylvania, stressed the importance of high-speed internet and the role of E-Rate in bringing it to rural areas at an … The post appeared first on Education Votes .

OCT 23

CANDIDATE COMPARISON: Where do presidential hopefuls stand on gun laws?

By Amanda Menas In the wake of a record number of school shootings in 2018 and a string of recent mass shootings in communities across the U.S., students and educators are among the millions of Americans pushing elected leaders to 

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