Tuesday, September 17, 2019

QUEST looks forward to working with new Boston Public Schools superintendent | Parents Across America

QUEST looks forward to working with new Boston Public Schools superintendent | Parents Across America

QUEST looks forward to working with new Boston Public Schools superintendent 

News from PAA’s Boston affiliate, QUEST: This past winter and spring, QUEST (Quality Education for Every Student) participated in multiple local advocacy coalitions that were active in the search process for a new superintendent of Boston Public Schools. QUEST and its coalition partners criticized the abbreviated search process and the lack of diverse parent and stakeholder representation on the search committee. But they came to believe that one candidate, Dr. Brenda Cassellius, former Minnesota commissioner of education, offered the best vision for public education of the three finalists. She was very clear and progressive about her thinking on issues such as high-stakes standardized testing, teacher diversity, district budgeting, exam school admissions and parent engagement. Dr. Cassellius was chosen and QUEST looks forward to working with her.
About QUEST: QUEST (Quality Education for Every Student) is a volunteer grassroots organization of CONTINUE READING: QUEST looks forward to working with new Boston Public Schools superintendent | Parents Across America