Monday, August 5, 2019

Why I Like Steve Bullock as a Democratic Candidate | Diane Ravitch's blog

Why I Like Steve Bullock as a Democratic Candidate | Diane Ravitch's blog

Why I Like Steve Bullock as a Democratic Candidate

Steve Bullock, governor of Montana, entered the Democratic primaries late, and to most people he is a complete unknown.
He has been governor of the state since 2012.
Montana is a red state. Bullock is a pro-public school Democrat.
His children attend public schools.
He graduated from Helena High School. His mother was a school board member; his father was a teacher and administrator.
Bullock has frozen tuition at state colleges for four years to keep college affordable.
He has expanded Medicaid, with bipartisan support.
Montana has two charter schools, and they are both run CONTINUE READING: Why I Like Steve Bullock as a Democratic Candidate | Diane Ravitch's blog