Sunday, August 4, 2019

Our Children Are Not Safe - LA Progressive

Our Children Are Not Safe - LA Progressive

Our Children Are Not Safe

made the mistake of reading the El Paso shooter’s manifesto.

At one point he concedes that an immigrant is someone willing to do a job no US citizen is willing to do, but then he immediately engages in a screed about the contempt he holds for the children of immigrants.
And upon reading those words all of the nightmarish images trapped behind my eyelids spilled forth.
Families bombarded with chants of “build that wall!” And “send them back!”

I made the mistake of reading the El Paso shooter’s manifesto.

Families torn apart by detention and deportation.
Children without toys or books, in soiled clothes, stunted developmentally, scarred psychologically, tortured physically and CONTINUE READING: Our Children Are Not Safe - LA Progressive