Monday, August 26, 2019

Louisiana Educator: State Senator Reveals the Rotten Core of Education Reform

Louisiana Educator: State Senator Reveals the Rotten Core of Education Reform

State Senator Reveals the Rotten Core of Education Reform

One Senator on the Senate Education Committee Tells it Like it is
Please take just a few minutes to view this video of Senator John Milkovich pointing out the serious flaws in education reform instituted under Governor Jindal and Superintendent John White. Here are some of the points made by Senator Milkovich.

  • Lobbyists and bureaucrats have taken over public education
  • Louisiana's education ranking among the states has fallen to its lowest level ever in the 9 years since the appointment of State Superintendent John White.
  • The Common Core Standards are a complete failure, and the materials used to teach Common Core are almost totally ineffective and counter productive.
  • Because of Common Core requirements, important classical literature has been replaced with teaching dry instructional texts. Reading proficiency, as a result, is falling.
  • Discipline in our public schools is out of control in many schools, and teachers are often not backed up by administrators or allowed to use effective discipline in their classrooms.
  • Teachers and students are now being overwhelmed with excessive testing.
  • Superintendent John White may be illegally serving in his position.
Not one other Senator on the committee spoke up to address the problems brought up by Senator Milkovich.
The worthless diploma scandal gets worse
This blog has exposed some of the more serious abuses of our educational system, including the removal of almost all standards CONTINUE READING: 
Louisiana Educator: State Senator Reveals the Rotten Core of Education Reform