Monday, August 12, 2019

Check it out: Teach For Côte d'Ivoire - International Institute for the Rights of the Child

Teach For Côte d'Ivoire - International Institute for the Rights of the Child

Teach For Côte d'Ivoire - International Institute for the Rights of the Child 


"One day, in Côte d'Ivoire, all children, regardless of their social background, will have the opportunity of a quality education."


Change the life path of millions of children through education and by reducing poverty.


Teach For Côte d'Ivoire aims to help end the inequalities in the Ivorian education system, and allow every child living in Côte d'Ivoire, regardless of social background, to have access to quality education so that they can choose the profession and the social path that suits them.


Teach for Côte d'Ivoire's mission is to enlist, train and mobilize as many of the country's promising future leaders as possible, in order to build a network of change-agents with both the conviction and perspective needed to promote equality and excellence in education.


Leadership is the key to the organization's strategic approach to change. The main activities are:
  1. The recruitment, selection and enlistment of the most promising national leaders of tomorrow from top universities, nationally and abroad;
  2. The initial training, coaching and ongoing support of the selected leaders to create transformational teachers;
  3. The two-year placement of leaders, selected and trained as full-time contract teachers in secondary schools (public and private) where there is real need for qualified teachers;
  4. The establishment of a network of former participants committed to fighting inequality in education.


Teach For Côte d’Ivoire
09 BP 4251 Abidjan 09
République de COTE D’IVOIRE
Telephone: 00225 48010224 / 00225 (0)4498976
Facebook: TeachforCI
Twitter: @TEACHforCI
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