Saturday, July 20, 2019

THIS WEEK Education Research Report

Education Research Report

Education Research Report

Teachers should have broader access to high-quality professional development x
A new report by EPI Economist Emma GarcĂ­a and Research Associate Elaine Weiss looks at the career supports and professional development available to teachers and discusses how they can exacerbate the teacher shortage. The authors find that, on one hand, the set of supports already broadly offered in schools represents a foundation to build upon. However, there are multiple weaknesses in the types


Teacher treatment of students factors into racial gap in school suspensions
Elementary schools tend to discipline black students more harshly than white students, leading to a considerable racial gap in expulsion and suspension. That's among the findings of a new data analysis led by researchers at Brown and Princeton universities. The analysis found that teachers' different treatment of black and white students accounted for 46% of the racial gap in suspensions and expu
Sports participation gap exists between youth from lower-income and middle-income families
Lower-income parents are less likely than their higher-income counterparts to involve their children in youth sports because of obstacles such as rising costs of these extracurricular activities, according to a new RAND Corporation study . Researchers surveyed a pool of approximately 2,800 parents, public school administrators and community sports program leaders and found that financial costs an
Study finds maternal race not a factor for children experiencing a 'language gap'
In a first of its kind study, researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute evaluated the language use of black mothers in comparison with white mothers with the same education levels to measure the amount and complexity of the words they use with their infants and young children. This study resulted in the new discovery that ra

JUL 18

Colorado: When looking at race/ethnicity, there are wide disparities in who goes to college.
The Postsecondary Progress and Success of High School Graduates is a yearly report issued by the Colorado Department of Higher Education. It explores both data trends and policy context related to the experience of Colorado’s recent high school graduates in postsecondary education by examining, postsecondary enrollment trends, leading indicators of postsecondary success and progress toward a cred
Nearly 60 percent of Colorado students at two-year institutions and a quarter of students at four-year institutions are placed in developmental education courses
As this report shows, nearly 60 percent of Colorado students at two-year institutions and a quarter of students at four-year institutions are placed in developmental education courses—prerequisite classes designed to shore up basic academic skills. Although all students should be prepared for college-level work, the traditional remediation model holds most back. Students must pay for and pass the

JUL 17

Head start accountability systems may be missing how classroom quality varies within preschool centers
American Educational Research Association Main Findings: The high-stakes accountability policies used to monitor the quality of Head Start preschool centers may miss important variation in classroom quality within centers, which could lead to incorrect representations of center quality and inaccurate decisions about which programs need to re-compete for their funding. Federal and state accountabi
Nationwide study on teen 'sexting' has good news, bad news
The good news is that adolescent "sexting" is not at epidemic levels as reported in some media headlines. The bad news is that it also has not decreased despite preventive efforts by educators and others. Most commonly, the term sexting has been used to describe incidents where teenagers take nude or semi-nude photos or videos of themselves and exchange that content via text or private social med
About 44% of high school seniors who misuse prescription drugs have multiple drug sources U
Roughly 11% of high school seniors reported prescription drug misuse during the past year, and of those, 44% used multiple supply sources, according to a pair of University of Michigan studies. More than 70% of adolescents who obtained prescription drugs from multiple sources had a substance use disorder--involving prescription medications, other drugs and alcohol--within the previous year. The n

JUL 16

New Report on Student Reports of Bullying
Twenty percent of students ages 12 through 18 in grades 6–12 reported being bullied during the 2016–17 school year. Within the population of students who reported being bullied, 13 percent reported being made fun of; 13 percent reported being the subject of rumors; and 5 percent reported being pushed, shoved, tripped, or spit on. The National Center for Education Statistics released a new Web Tab

JUL 15

The Remarkable Unresponsiveness of College Students to Nudging
This study presents results from a five-year effort to design promising online and text-message interventions to improve college achievement through several distinct channels. From a sample of nearly 25,000 students across three different campuses, we find some improvement from coaching-based interventions on mental health and study time, but none of the interventions the authors evaluate signifi
Persistence & Retention – 2019
First-Year Persistence and Retention for Fall 2017 Cohort Of the 3.5 million students who enrolled in college for the first time in fall 2017, 74 percent or 2.6 million students persisted as of fall 2018. The overall first-year persistence rate has improved slightly, with a 2.2 percentage point gain between 2009 and 2017. New to this year’s report are the persistence rates for top five popular ma

JUL 12

School suspensions related to increases in subsequent offending
About 3.5 million students are suspended each year, and school punishment has been tied to a variety of negative outcomes. A new study took a longitudinal look at how school suspensions are related to offending behaviors that include assault, stealing, and selling drugs. It found that rather than decreasing subsequent offending, school suspensions increase this behavior. The study, by researchers
Exploring Media Literacy Education
Research Questions How is ML conceptualized by experts and in extant empirical literature? To what extent does research demonstrate that ML education can build participant resilience to the spread of misinformation and disinformation? What limitations are there to current knowledge of ML effectiveness? What publicly available ML resources are currently offered, particularly as applicable to Truth

JUL 11

FOOD INSECURITY Better Information Could Help Eligible College Students Access Federal Food Assistance Benefits
Complete report There is limited information about the national prevalence of food insecurity among college students . GAO reviewed 31 studies that identified a wide range of food insecurity rates among the students studied, but the studies did not provide national estimates. C ollege students at risk of food insecurity may be eligible for benefits from the Food and Nutrition Service’s (FNS) Supp
School Engagement and the Role of Peer Victimization, Depressive Symptoms, and Rumination
The purpose of this study was to explore the association between peer victimization and school engagement and the indirect effects of rumination and depressive symptoms in this association. Data on middle school students’ 

Education Research Report