Sunday, July 21, 2019

The making you old face app. – Fred Klonsky

The making you old face app. – Fred Klonsky


The Face App thing may have run its course.
You know the one. It was supposedly invented by the Russians to divert us from Trump or something. And then Trump, obsessed with attention, diverted us back away from an app that would show us what we looked like when we got old.
Some people were freaking out that this was a Russian plot to get pictures of your face.
I just didn’t get that concern.
I’m already old. Well, 71 is not that old. Except that most forms that ask demographic information stop at “65 and above.” Like being 65 and being 90 is the same thing.
I just finished a book, Elderhood, by Dr. Louise Aronson. She  looks at the issue of medical care and the elderly and at the way the medical establishment addresses the issue of aging.
The medical establishment doesn’t do it well.
I mostly love my life since retiring from regular employment and I am mostly healthy, so that’s good. We’ve planned for this and we are very lucky that our plans have worked CONTINUE READING: The making you old face app. – Fred Klonsky