Friday, July 19, 2019

Once Again Public School Students Are Left Holding The Bag

Once Again Public School Students Are Left Holding The Bag

Once Again Public School Students Are Left Holding The Bag

The LAUSD budgeted $15,920,300 to renovate facilities for charter schools in 2019

When the GANAS Academy Charter School applied to the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), their governing board told the district that the school would have 120 students in the 2019–2020 school year. Even though part of the responsibility of running a school includes providing facilities, GANAS left that task to the LAUSD. Forced by Prop 39 to remove space being used by students of public schools, the district offered the school facilities at Catskill Elementary School and set aside $415,300 of public education funds to perform the facility renovations required by law.

It appears that GANAS formerly accepted the LAUSD’s Prop-39 offer despite the fact that they were having trouble enrolling students in their publicly funded private school. According to documents obtained by, GANAS hired a consultant on May 6, 2019, to assist with their efforts as they were still 75 students short. For his efforts, Ed Rodriguez was paid a bounty of $850 for every student who was enrolled. His methods included poaching students
from Catskill Elementary School and seeking students who were willing to be bussed in from outside of the community. In order CONTINUE READING: Once Again Public School Students Are Left Holding The Bag