Sunday, July 21, 2019

NANCY BAILEY: Force and Flunk, Tougher Kindergarten Lead to Parental Dissatisfaction with Public Schools

Force and Flunk, Tougher Kindergarten Lead to Parental Dissatisfaction with Public Schools

Force and Flunk, Tougher Kindergarten Lead to Parental Dissatisfaction with Public Schools


When children aren’t reading according to the corporate time frame set by Jeb Bush and his ilk (non-educators who want to privatize public education), parents become dissatisfied, even angry with public school officials and teachers when their children fail.
The goal of many corporations is to end public education. They want privatization. To do this, they must make parents dislike public schools so they will not only leave them, but will buy into unproven vouchers, charters, and online programs.
But most of today’s accountability measures are enforced by corporate reformers outside of the public school. Teaching children to read is no exception.
Here’s an example.
Due to former Governor Jeb Bush’s push for flunking, 19 states now make children repeat 3rd grade if they don’t pass a test.
It’s difficult to believe Jeb Bush and his corporate friends have not heard about this CONTINUE READING: Force and Flunk, Tougher Kindergarten Lead to Parental Dissatisfaction with Public Schools