Friday, April 26, 2019

Mike Klonsky's Blog: Peter Cunningham's empty advice to Lori Lightfoot

Mike Klonsky's Blog: Peter Cunningham's empty advice to Lori Lightfoot

Peter Cunningham's empty advice to Lori Lightfoot

Peter Cunningham should save his advice to Mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot. In fact, after his miserable performance running Bill Daley's disastrous law-and-order campaign for mayor, one would think that he would show some contrition and either disappear for a while or maybe start asking the mayor-elect for some advice.

You may recall that despite Daley's heavily-favored (by big business) and heavily-financed ($9M) campaign, he could only muster 14% of the vote. For those who keep track of such things, that came out to a whopping $111.21 per vote.

Yet here is Cunningham with a full page in today's Sun-Times offering a package of five cliche-ridden suggestions that Lightfoot would do well to flush or stash in her circular file.

They begin with admonitions to think small and forget all those highfalutin ideas and social-justice and equality and stick to things like garbage collection. 
  • No matter how bold your vision, it won’t get done if you don’t first pick up the garbage, fix the potholes and deliver basic city services.
  • You can’t reach for the sky unless you first meet the floor of expectations.
  • You don’t begin dinner with dessert.
Here's the worst:
...the black, gay, female agenda did not get Lori Lightfoot elected and won’t CONTINUE READING: Mike Klonsky's Blog: Peter Cunningham's empty advice to Lori Lightfoot