Beutner is Planning to Terminate the HOMELESS UNIT: Teachers, Parents and Advocates - ACTION ALERT
Beutner is Planning to Terminate the HOMELESS UNIT: Teachers, Parents and Advocates - ACTION ALERT
Teachers, Parents and Advocates,
These programs have helped OUR children. PSA Counselors walked with us during the strike, it's our turn to support them because OUR children need them.
If we let Beutner terminate these programs he's going to keep destroying LAUSD little by little.
PLEASE Email the Board!
URGENT Please share
Beutner is planning to terminate the HOMELESS UNIT and to remove Homeless, Foster youth, Camp returnee and Group Home Scholars counselors.
We ask teachers, parents and community advocates to
complain to the board on Tuesday and to email or call your board member.
These high risk populations can't be properly serviced without PSA counselors:
Homeless Program
Foster Youth program
Camp Returnee Program
Group Home Scholars Program
Instead of funding consultants LAUSD must keep the support service staff who have made a positive impact in the lives of these minorities.
Parents, teachers, community members YOU need to be our student's advocate and voice these concerns.
Please go to the Board Meeting and ask the Board to keep these programs
April 23rd
Beaudry bldg
Individuals wishing to speak at a Board meeting must sign up at the meeting.
There will be no sign ups in advance of the meeting.
Speakers must sign up prior to the item being acted upon by the Board. Speakers should plan to arrive early as items with no speakers may be acted on at the beginning of the meeting
Public Comment speakers to items not on the agenda will be heard beginning at 4 p.m. at the conclusion of the item begun before 4 p.m.
For more information please call 213-241-7002 or email
PSA Counselors have had much success in the past years in motivating youth towards higher education and improving attendance by providing advocacy, counseling and support for these students.
LAUSD promised extra counselors that are supposed to be hired after our historic strike. We need the PSA counselors who provide support to these students!
We will fight for our students!
Help Us! Thank you