Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Betsy DeVos Is PROFITING Off Separating Migrant Kids From Their Parents - The Ring of Fire Network

Betsy DeVos Is PROFITING Off Separating Migrant Kids From Their Parents - The Ring of Fire Network

Betsy DeVos Is PROFITING Off Separating Migrant Kids From Their Parents

Image result for Betsy DeVos Is PROFITING Off Separating Immigrant Kids
According to reports, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has been making huge profits by the family separation policies of the Trump Administration. The reports show that DeVos is invested heavily in adoption agency corporations that have been receiving and adopting out the migrant children that are being separated from their parents at the border. Everything this administration does is about the money, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
Recently, the Trump administration told us that some of the thousands of children that they separated from their parents at the border and sent off to adoption agencies who then place them with sponsor families, uh, thousands of them. It’s just too difficult to track them down to reunite them with their family. We just, we can’t do that. We don’t have the technology. I mean we have the technology back in the sixties to send human beings to the moon and get them home safely, but caught reuniting a child in the digital age with their parents. It is a step too far for this administration that seems wholly incompetent and that incompetence is 100 percent by design. This administration had no concern for returning these kids to their parents. They wanted to send a message to the rest of the world that if you come over here, we’re going to make your life a living hell.
We’re going to ruin your life. We’re going to take away your kids. You’ll probably never get them back. So you better think twice about coming here and there. Little plan there has backfired. Well, at least for everybody, except for Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, because as it turns out, Betsy DeVos, as she has with every other aspect of her life, is profiting hugely off the separation of families at the border being perpetrated by the CONTINUE READING: Betsy DeVos Is PROFITING Off Separating Migrant Kids From Their Parents - The Ring of Fire Network