Monday, December 31, 2018

Nineteen For 2019: Choose This, NOT That, to Save Public Education in the New Year!

Nineteen For 2019: Choose This, NOT That, to Save Public Education in the New Year!

Nineteen For 2019: Choose This, NOT That, to Save Public Education in the New Year!

1.  Kindergarten NOT The New First Grade
Kindergartners should be treated like the four and five-year-old students that they are and not pushed to be first graders. The activities and instruction for this age group are well established.
Real educators should take charge and ensure that there’s much free play and age appropriate activities.
2.  School Systems NOT “Portfolio of Schools”
For years, corporate reformers have unfairly claimed that school systems fail. They want privatization through a portfolio of schools involving charters, private schools and choice. This will end public education.
We need efficient school systems for traditional public schools only, that serve all children.
Taxpayers don’t need to fund unproven portfolio schools they don’t own or control.
3.  School Boards NOT Privatization Partners CONTINUE READING: Nineteen For 2019: Choose This, NOT That, to Save Public Education in the New Year!